November 16, 2009

Hair Treatments

Well, you learn something new everyday right?

Today I was in a basic Aveda education class where for two days we are going over all the Aveda products. This afternoon happened to be haircare. Our educator was going over the different hair treatments and she gave us this little nugget of advice. Don't do your treatments once a week do them every five washes. Profound for those of us who are not washing our hair daily! If you are a daily washer (and you should not be-read why here) then once a week is fine. But if you are like me, and only wash a couple of times a week, then to do a deep conditioner one of those times might be too much. And for my fine haired friends that is WAY too much. So my friends I take back my earlier statement that you should deep condition once per week. Change that to once every five washes.
Happy Conditioning,

Tweet Me from Hair Girl in Denver

November 8, 2009

Haircolor at Home-Part 2

I've said it before and I will say it again-I think haircolor should be left to a professional. There is a reason we go to cosmetology school and have to get a license to do hair. A lot can happen to your hair when you color it and if you don't know color theory there is a great potential for disaster. With that said, I totally understand that getting haircolor done professionally isn't always an option for everyone and you need to do it at home. Here is my advice take it or leave it.

First, if you are going more than a few levels darker or going lighter you really should see a professional because going lighter at home usually results in an orange color and going more than 2 levels darker gets tricky because you need to add back or "fill" the hair with the missing colors. So, if you are sticking around the same level or going a bit darker you should be fine.

Next, please, please, please don't use box color from the grocery store or drug store. You can get professional color from places like Sally's Beauty Supply. The results with professional color are going to be so much better and you aren't putting crap-like metallic salts on your hair. Also, if you decide to go see a professional hairstylist the professional haircolor is so much easier to work with than box color. Some box colors you cannot color over or remove because what is in them will make your hair BREAK OFF!

Last, don't be fooled by the highlighting kits. They might look easy to use, but I've yet to see someone do a good job with them. Most people end up with polka dot hair. Happy coloring!

Your friendly Hair Girl,

Tweet Me from Hair Girl in Denver

November 1, 2009

The Big Tease

Here are a few pictures of me dressed up for Halloween. I'm Betty Draper from the hit show Mad Men. This classic 1960's style requires lots and lots of backcombing along with a ton of hairspray.

I parted off the top section and curled it all towards the back. Then I parted the back down the middle and curled the 1" sections forward towards my face.
Once it was cool I went to town with my comb. I teased the crap out of me entire head. Then, using just the edge of my comb and my mason pearson brush I smoothed it over and into the shape I wanted.

Tweet Me from Hair Girl in Denver

October 30, 2009

Head dressings

How cute are these little numbers from Forever 21? I bought this teal one along with a purple one and for $2.50 why not. I don't think I could make one myself for that price! I'm really loving them to spice up a ponytail or messy updo.

The zipper story is big this fall so if can update my look for $5.80 I'm a happy girl. Going to be on the hunt for this one!

Tweet Me from Hair Girl in Denver

October 26, 2009

Ponytail Wrap Around

Ponytails are back again this fall. I love to dress up my ponytail by wrapping some hair around it to hide the ponytail holder. Less is more when you try to do this. If you try to wrap a big ol chunk of hair it doesn't look good. Case in point Drew Barrymore

This just looks stupid in my opinion. Is it a bun or a ponytail?

Scarlett Johansson's is better, but would look perfect if it were just a bit smaller

Ah perfection!

Tweet Me from Hair Girl in Denver

September 11, 2009

Charlie Price's Birthday Party & Fashion Show

My dear friend and fellow hairdresser Charlie turned the big 4-0 on September 6th. In honor of his birthday, he and 303 Magazine threw a birthday party and fashion show. Here are a few highlights from the show. Oh and I did The Blackouts make up :)

The ever cool band The Blackouts!

Covering the models with peel n stick letters

Aubrey rockin her letters in a bikini!

Charlie just doin what he does....Rockin some hair

Tweet Me from Hair Girl in Denver

August 25, 2009

Change is a good thing right?

It official I'm leaving Click Salon and its very bittersweet to say the least. Why am I leaving? Well let me put it like this-have you ever know a couple who really love each other but, break up because they want different things or are going in different directions? That's exactly what happened with me and Click. I love the salon and my coworkers dearly, but I want to be doing different things like education and its not possible there. I've accepted a new position at a salon where I will be working behind the chair part-time as well as doing education part-time. I will be educating the new stylist right out of beauty school. It's an Aveda salon which I'm very excited about. I'm still an Aveda junkie at heart and I love Aveda color so much! Wish me luck on this new adventure which begins September 10th!

Tweet Me from Hair Girl in Denver

August 10, 2009

Fore Now Golf-Photo Shoot

Here are a few pictures from a photo shoot I did with
Denver start-up clothing line called Fore Now Golf

It's a very youthful golf line so they wanted fun hairstyles. Left model is rockin a pony tail with a french braid in the front. Middle model is wearing a curly low side pony and right model has waves with a braid on the side.

Left model has half up with lots of height in the crown.
Right is my side pony tail again.

Here's a group shot

And the funny group shot. I was totally laughing at this one!

Tweet Me from Hair Girl in Denver

August 9, 2009

Style Wars-Fashion Show

Usually my Friday nights consist of family dinner, putting the 2 kiddos to bed and relaxing with the husband catching up on some DVR'd shows.
Well 2 weeks ago this was not the case! I was rockin out some fierce hair with Charlie for the Style Wars Fashion Show. If you watched Shear Genuis you know this is a twist (soft serve style) on Charlie's Marge.

We built these styles over the models natural hair with colored fake hair and then put on the head bands to cover up the hair line.

This is the winner Mondo with his model. He loved the pink hair!

This color was my favorite one. This style made our 6'1"model over 7 feet in heels! ROCK!

Tweet Me from Hair Girl in Denver

July 23, 2009

Smoke and Mirrors

Have you ever seen a celebrity updo and thought to yourself -WOW I didn't think she had that much hair. Well you are probably right, she doesn't. Hairstylist have many tricks up their sleeves to make an updo look, which sometimes requires some smoke and mirrors! Here is a chignon I did on myself using hair extensions aka fake hair. I know the color is a little off, but I did that so you can see where the fake hair is. Of course if you do it you want hair the same color as yours.

Back view of finished Chignon

Side view

I started with curled hair. Nothing fancy just quickly done in large sections

It's then pulled back into a ponytail

Take a weft of fake hair and fold the ends to meet each other
This hair isn't anything fancy just some from Sally's Beauty Supply

Wrap the weft around your ponytail and secure the end with a few bobby pins

Make a "bungee" cord with a rubber band and 2 bobby pins

Fold the ponytail up and use your bungee cord to secure it. Push the pin on one side. Then, holding the other pin, pull the rubber band across the underside of the ponytail and secure the pin on the other side
Now your ponytail should look like this

Take another weft and create a hair pad with it-this will give the the chignon a really full look You can also use a hair rat (awful name I know) close to your hair color to get the same effect

Roll up the weft to make the hair pad

Pin the hair pad to the underside of the ponytail

Use several pins to secure the hair pad into place

Fold the ponytail back over the hair pad and fan out to cover it

Pin around the chignon to hold its shape

Here are a few different celebrity versions
Taylor Swift with a soft side part version

Anne Hathaway with a tight side part version

Reese Witherspoon with a loose deconstructed version

Now go give it a whirl and let me know how it turns out!

Tweet Me from Hair Girl in Denver

July 7, 2009

The Red, The White & The Blue

Here are some shots from my first solo photo shoot. I came up with the concept, cast the models and photographer. I also did all the hair (including color) and make up. I will never do both hair and make up on a photo shoot again, unless it's just one model. It was way too much work for just one person! I spent 6 hours coloring the blonde and black haired models the day before, then over 2 hours creating the red wig. The day of the shoot I spent hours just doing the hair and make up and then we still had to shoot it-I lost my voice from all the stress! Lesson learned: For a shoot with more than one model do the hair OR the make up. It was a very good learning experience to say the least. I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. Would I change a few things? Absolutely, but overall I'm happy with it. And now for the pictures:

The concept behind this was a hair-centered shoot with a twist on red, white and blue by doing red hair, blonde hair and blue black hair (black haired model does have blue streaks in the sides it's just not visible in all the pictures). It is all about the color and texture of the hair. Still trying to decide if I should enter into NAHA for 2010. What do you think?

Tweet Me from Hair Girl in Denver