Take a weft of fake hair and fold the ends to meet each other
This hair isn't anything fancy just some from Sally's Beauty Supply
This hair isn't anything fancy just some from Sally's Beauty Supply
Wrap the weft around your ponytail and secure the end with a few bobby pins
Fold the ponytail up and use your bungee cord to secure it. Push the pin on one side. Then, holding the other pin, pull the rubber band across the underside of the ponytail and secure the pin on the other side
Take another weft and create a hair pad with it-this will give the the chignon a really full look You can also use a hair rat (awful name I know) close to your hair color to get the same effect
Anne Hathaway with a tight side part version
Reese Witherspoon with a loose deconstructed version
Now go give it a whirl and let me know how it turns out!
Reese Witherspoon with a loose deconstructed version
Now go give it a whirl and let me know how it turns out!